20 Apr

Hello and welcome to the second Aries new moon of the year. The new moon will occur at 29°50’ in Aries on Thursday, April 20th at 12:12am EST. This new moon is special as it will kick off the first eclipse in a new series of eclipses. Additionally, the moon will move into the sign of Taurus within minutes of the eclipse and the Sun will follow within a few hours. So, big, big energy happening on this day. If you are wanting a deep dive into the Aries energy, it’s best to look back to the first new moon in Aries letter that I released in March. This letter will be dedicated to our eclipse portals opening and closing and the transitional year in store for us ahead.  
Eclipses come in a 9- and 18-year cycle. Currently we are wrapping up the Taurus/Scorpio eclipses as the North and South nodes spent the last 2 years on the Taurus/Scorpio nodal axis. We are now entering the Aries/Libra nodal axis. The Taurus/Scorpio eclipse portal began November 2021 and will end October of 2023. The eclipse theme for Taurus/Scorpio centers around our security, inner and outer security. We have faced and will continue to face realizations about our assets, trusting others, personal worth, risk taking, and how we react when our security is threatened. There have been highs and lows with this (and every) nodal cycle and the rewards are great, but the lessons and sacrifices are big ones.

See complete letter at raelangston.substack.com and subscribe today!!

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