22 Mar

The new moon will occur at 0°50’ degrees in the sign of Aries, on Tuesday, March 21st at 1:23pm EST. This new moon will be the first new moon in the annual lunar cycle and the beginning of our astrological New Year! New moons are something I like to think of as an empty cup or a blank canvas; ready to be filled with dreams and intentions that we would like to taste and see in our future. The first new moon of the astrological year is when I like to set my resolutions for the year ahead. Aries always coincides with the spring equinox; the first sign in the zodiac, Aries signifies the birth of new things. We start every new year under the significant element of fire, structured to ignite something within us. Fire moons inspire action, water-reflection, air-connection, and earth-structural planning. The order of the zodiac was not cobbled together in a random order. Each sign has its place and influences the energy we need, when we need it, to aid us in accomplishing our dreams and dealing with life on its micro and macro levels. Each lunar cycle I will attempt to provide context and tips on how to lean into the moons’ energy, use it to our advantage, and what each sign has to teach us as we make our way through our individual journeys in life, together. Wrapping up our year in deep reflection with Pisces, we’ve taken stock of our lessons learned, surrendering to the changes that must take place. Virgo full moon played its part during Pisces season, shedding light on the importance of routine when getting back on track and how even the smallest changes can lead to big results. Now we open the gates to new beginnings with Aries.

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