04 Apr

The Full moon will occur at 16°07’ in Libra on Thursday, April 6th at 12:34am EST. This is the first full moon of our astrological new year. Every full moon is a time of release. Aries season has been filled with action and enthusiasm as we deep dive into who we are, how we can incorporate more self-love, and what we want for ourselves going forward. The passion of Aries and its self-serving agenda can sometimes be disruptive as we become eager to implement changes that will improve our quality of life. Libra (the ruler of relationships) is the sister sign to Aries (the ruler of self). Libra governs our house of partnerships, how we see ourselves in others, and what we look for in others as attractive qualities. When the Moon opposes the Sun, it illuminates things furthest from its reach as a reminder that all things are connected and must be considered. Beautiful Libra, the airy sign of harmony, has arrived to balance the scales once again, reminding Aries that our relationships with others play a larger part than we realize in our successes.
Six months ago, it was Libra season, we were honoring our relationships with others and the importance of equality and harmony within those relationships. Aries full moon aided our shadow work by asking us to balance our own needs with the needs of others so we may remain true to ourselves in our relationships. Now the tables are turned, the spotlight has switched. Aries season has us stepping into who we want to be and how we want to live, however, we are not alone in this world. Libra is here to remind us now that our changes affect those around us and those around us are a reflection of who we are/were. How can we show up as our new self without throwing others off-balance?

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